
The rapidly growing beauty industry makes it essential for estheticians to continuously expand their knowledge and skill sets to provide great experiences for their clients. In the state of Illinois, esthetician licenses require continued education and learning, as well. With popular treatments like microneedling gaining significant popularity in recent years, successful estheticians know that learning new techniques for these services is key. Microneedling is sought-after because of its ability to improve skin’s texture, appearance, and overall health, and to offer this service, estheticians must have proper training through an accredited esthetician school in Chicago or other parts of Illinois. Estelle Skin Care and Spa Institute is here to help you gain your skills and certification with our Microneedling course! Keep reading to learn more and how to get started.

About the Service

Microneedling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, CIT) involves pricking the skin multiple times using a specially designed device to induce regeneration via the wound healing cascade. With this service, estheticians can help their clients look and feel younger, healthier, and more vibrant using the regenerative qualities of the service.

What to Expect

This is a two-day, hands-on workshop. Participants must come prepared to perform and receive this treatment. Topics for this class will include the following:

Day 1 (Theory and Demo):

  • Introduction and Understanding of Microneedling
  • Benefits
  • Client Selection
  • Treatment Protocols
  • Indications and Contraindications
  • Post-Care Guidelines

Day 2 (Practicum):

  • Students will perform treatments on peers with coaching and supervision by the instructor
  • 10 CEUs

CEU certificates will be provided upon full completion of the class and will be mailed to you within 2 weeks following the class date. Attendance is required on both days to fully complete the course.

Get Started with Your Continuing Education Today

At Estelle Skin Care and Spa Institute, you can find all of the courses and continuing education certifications you need to be successful as an esthetician in Chicago! Get started with our courses by registering online today.

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