The Top 10 Benefits of National Accreditation

benefits of accredited school
The demand for customized skincare services in the United States has mushroomed over the past decade. Due to this growth in specialized skin care services, the number of licensed estheticians in the United States is expected to show a ten-year 10-year increase of 40% by 2022. An esthetician’s ability to thrive in an increasingly competitive industry hinges upon their successful completion of a comprehensive educational program.

Identifying the Top Esthetician Programs

With hundreds of esthetician programs to choose from in the United States, prospective students must carefully evaluate all options and choose an esthetician school that optimizes their chances of securing gainful employment after graduation. One of the best ways to narrow the field of esthetician schools is to seek a school with a nationally accredited curriculum. Below is a look at the key challenges facing prospective students and the top ten benefits of attending a nationally accredited esthetician school.

What Are the Top Concerns of Prospective Esthetician Students?

Selecting a top-notch esthetician program is a process that should be undertaken with time and care. With esthetician programs costing thousands of dollars, potential students must choose a school that meets their educational needs and addresses their key concerns. Below are some of the top concerns facing prospective esthetician students:

  • Choosing a school with an outstanding industry reputation
  • Finding the money to pay for tuition and related school expenses
  • Attending a school that offers a challenging curriculum
  • Being able to successfully meet licensure requirements
  • Securing gainful employment following graduation
  • Receiving ongoing support before and after program completion

How to Eliminate Concerns by Attending an Accredited School

National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & SciencesThe best way to put the concerns outlined above to rest is to enroll in an esthetician school that is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). NACCAS-accredited schools are held to a higher quality standard and employ ongoing strategies to ensure that students receive the highest level of education and support. The top ten benefits of attending a nationally accredited esthetician school are as follows:

1) Qualified students may be eligible for federal financial aid.

Accredited esthetician schools offer students financial benefits that non-accredited schools are not able to provide. The most significant financial benefit of attending an accredited school is the availability of federal loans and grants*. Private loan providers may also give preference to students attending an accredited beauty school.

2) A rigorous curriculum.

In accordance with their accreditation, NACCAS schools must meet or exceed national educational performance standards. Accredited schools meet this requirement by developing a robust curriculum that is typically more comprehensive than that of non-accredited schools. They are more apt to possess state-of-the-art technology and fully equipped training classrooms.

3) Superb program completion rates.

Students who attend accredited schools are more likely to complete all program requirements. In fact, some NACCAS-accredited schools boast 100% student completion rates. This is often due to the high levels of support that instructors and staff offer to students.

4) Excellent instructors and support staff.

Accredited schools are more apt to invest in experienced teachers to ensure that students grasp and retain course material. In addition to talented instructors, the support staff at accredited schools is highly trained to help ensure that students remain engaged in their coursework from the day that they begin their classes until they complete their program requirements.

5) Outstanding licensing exam pass rates.

As a result of their completion of a robust curriculum, students who attend accredited schools enjoy superb licensing exam pass rates. Accredited schools have a vested interest in ensuring that students pass their licensure exams, and are therefore likely to provide ongoing support to students as they complete their coursework.

6) Improved chances of securing employment after graduation.

Many employers actively seek job candidates who completed their education at accredited schools. They recognize that graduates of accredited schools completed rigid course requirements and are apt to be well-prepared for employment. Students from accredited schools therefore often have a competitive edge over graduates from non-accredited schools.

7) Recognition by the U.S. Department of Education in all U.S. states.

When students graduate from an NACCAS-accredited school, they can take comfort in the fact that they completed their education at a school that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency. This is helpful to graduates who must relocate from one state to another.

8) Ongoing job placement support.

Students who complete their training at accredited schools receive an outstanding level of ongoing job placement assistance. This ongoing support is particularly beneficial to estheticians who must seek a new job at any point throughout their careers.

9) A genuine concern for students.

Historically, accreditation has served as the most reliable indicator of a school’s dedication to integrity and quality education for its students. Administrators, teachers, and support staff all share the common goal of ensuring that students feel welcome and motivated to succeed.

10) Recurring quality evaluations.

NACCAS-accredited schools are re-evaluated every six years to ensure that they continue to meet outlined requirements. If a school exhibits deficiencies during an evaluation, the school must promptly address those problems. Failure to correct identified deficiencies can result in a withdrawal of the school’s accreditation.

Final Considerations for Prospective Students

esthetics school in chicago
Clearly, there are many reasons to choose a nationally accredited esthetician school. From an enhanced curriculum to improved chances of finding a job, the benefits of accreditation are numerous and lasting. By narrowing your search to include accredited esthetician programs, you can increase your chances of prospering in the field of esthetics after you graduate.

Contact us today at (847) 329-9174 to learn more about our Nationally Accredited esthetics program and to schedule your Campus Tour.

* = Federal financial aid is available to those who qualify.

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