7 Ways to Care For Your Skin This Summer

7 ways to care for your skin this summer

Summer is here, and for most of us that means pool parties, vacations, and barbecues. It’s also a great time to review and change your skin care routine.

We all know what winter weather means for our skin care routines; mainly, upping our use of moisturizers to combat the harsh dryness of the season. But summer comes with its own set of skin care challenges, and customization of your routine during this season is just as important now as during the colder months. To help you look your best and feel your best, we’ve compiled a list of 7 tips for caring for your skin this summer:

1. Exfoliate

Think of exfoliating as doing away with your dull, wintry skin to reveal your summertime glow. After months indoors, your skin could use a makeover; and exfoliation is the perfect way to liven up your complexion and clear your skin of buildup. You can start with a whole body exfoliation by dry-brushing your skin (a natural fiber brush, such as boar bristle, works best), then finishing with a cool shower and a gentle cleaning scrub.

For your face, a gentle, daily micro-bead scrub will help slough away dead skin and keep your complexion healthy. For those prone to acne and other skin issues, we recommend an enzyme or gentle acid based exfoliating serum or cream.

Avoid scrubs made with natural materials like peach pits and nut shells. While it may seem like these are the better option – they are ‘natural’, after all – scrubs made with natural materials are made up of uneven pieces that may cause damage to your skin. Look for exfoliators with smooth wax beads (like jojoba beads) of uniform size to gently exfoliate without injuring your skin.

No matter the exfoliator type you choose, be sure not to overdo it. Too much exfoliation can lead to irritation, dryness, or breakouts.

2. Protect Your Skin

One of the main changes during summer – regardless of where you live – is the amount of sun that your skin will be exposed to. Because your time in the sun will greatly increase during this season, it’s important to protect your skin as much as you can.

Sun protection is just as necessary in summertime as moisturizer is in the winter. Most people, however, don’t apply nearly enough. If you’re spending a lot of time outside, you will want to apply sun protection every two hours. In your makeup routine, switch to foundations that offer good sun protection. If your skin is acne prone, oil-free sunscreens are a good choice for you. We always recommend a minimum of SPF 30 for daily wear.

Whatever products you choose, the important thing is to protect your skin as much as possible from the damaging effects of UV rays.

3. Repair Damage

aloe for sunburn
It’s inevitable that you’ll end up overexposing yourself to the sun at some point during the season. When this happens, focus on repairing the damage and healing your skin. Pure Aloe Vera gel can do wonders for overexposed skin, and should be applied liberally at the first sign of too much sun.

Other helpful ingredients are hydrators like panthenol (vitamin B5), hyaluronic acid, and glycerin. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, green tea, coenzyme Q10 also play a role in protecting and repairing the skin.

4. Switch Up Your Cleansers

how to cleanse your skin
If you’re still using that deep-moisturizing cleanser that you used all winter, you should probably switch. During the heat and humidity of summer, a heavy cleanser can bog down your skin and leave it looking greasy. Instead, swap your old cleanser for a lighter solution that can handle the extra oil and product on summer skin..

5. Love Your Lips

lip balm sunscreen
We’ve already discussed the importance of UV protection, but don’t forget about your lips! Even those of us that slather on the sunscreen and SPF 30 foundation are often guilty of neglecting sun protection for our lips.

Luckily, it’s an easy problem to fix. You can buy many shades of lipstick in an SPF formula, or simply apply a layer of sun-protectant lip balm before heading out.

6. Keep Hydrated

hydrate skin from inside
It’s impossible for your skin to look its best if you don’t care for it from the inside out. While it’s important to stay hydrated any time of the year, you may need to increase your water intake significantly during the summer. If you want your skin to stay beautiful all season long, don’t neglect water – it’s the simplest beauty treatment around, and the one that will help you both look and feel your best.

7. Shave Right

shaving legs
Summer usually means more time spent shaving, and those extra shaves can be irritating to your skin. You will want to take extra care during this time of year to keep your skin happy and healthy. A few tips we want to share:

  • Shave after you shower. While a lot of us shave as soon as we get in the shower, it’s best to wait until the end of your shower to grab your razor. This allows the warm water to soften your hairs, making shaving easier on your skin. Another plus: your razor won’t wear out as quickly, saving you money in the long run.
  • Exfoliate. We went over this point already, but exfoliation can be especially helpful when shaving. Exfoliation preps your skin, and will give you a smoother, closer shave.
  • Moisturize. Moisturizing isn’t just for winter, ladies. It can be enormously helpful in soothing irritated skin during summer as well. After shaving, give your skin some love by applying a generous amount of moisturizer. Don’t forget your bikini line and underarms, as these sensitive areas will benefit greatly from being moisturized on a regular basis.

We hope these tips have made it easier for you to plan for your summer. While changing your skin care routine might seem intimidating at first, don’t worry. A few small changes can have a big impact on the way that your skin looks and feels. Just like any new routine it will take some getting used to, but you’ll soon get into the swing of it – and your skin will thank you.

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