How To Create The Best Customer Experience For Clients

Client experience is going to be vital to your success as an esthetician — it’s what keeps current clients, and draws in new ones. It’s important to always be searching for ways to level up client experiences, after all, it’s one of the best word-of-mouth marketing tactics for you.

So, how can you create the best customer experience for clients? Get tried and true tips in today’s post from Estelle Skin Care & Spa Institute.

First Impressions

If you’re scheduled with a new client, first impressions are everything — this is what will set the tone for all future interactions. Ensure that your space is in tip-top shape and that you’re on your A-game. This is the time to offer your client a beverage and get to know them a little better. Answer any questions beforehand, and guide them through the service they’re getting.

Create an awesome first impression for client retention!

Provide Perks

Facials and skin care treatments can get pricey, so making discounts or other perks available can help build rapport with current and future clients. Create a package where they get bundled services at a discount, or even a points or punch card reward system.

Perks incentivize clients to return, while showing them you care about and appreciate their business.

Use Top-Of-The-Line Products

It feels good to clients when they know you intentionally use premium products — they know that their skin care service is well worth the investment. Top-of-the-line products should be what you care about. Do you favor a natural approach with organic products that don’t use harsh chemicals? Then implement those. This can also look like offering the newest laser treatment option or innovative skin care practice.

When you care deeply about the products and equipment you use, clients take note.

Know Your Stuff

What elevates the client experience? When estheticians are knowledgeable about what they do and the products they’re using. This immediately builds trust and confidence in clients. When you choose a new product, do a deep-dive into it. Why are you doing it, and how does it benefit the client? If you can speak intelligently on the topic, this will trickle into the conversations you have with your clients, and they’ll appreciate the passion and knowledge you share.

Your clients are choosing to spend money on your business, which should never be taken lightly! Create quality experiences time and time again by constantly improving your business.

Ready to level up your esthetician skills? See what Estelle Skin Care & Spa Institute has to offer!

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