Traits that Make a Successful Esthetician

In our last blog post, we touch on a few tips that can help you achieve success as an esthetician. In today’s blog post, we are going to touch on some of the traits that successful estheticians often embody. While not everyone is going to embody all of these traits, today’s blog will hopefully provide some insight into which traits can help drive you towards success. Let’s go ahead and get started.


An esthetician is going to come across countless new patients on a regular basis, so it goes without saying that being able to comfortably communicate with them is a great trait to have. Aside from the basic forms of communication that are going to need to happen, if you’re able to maintain a strong channel of communication with your clients, the chances of you building a lasting relationship with them become all the higher. 


Skincare is one of the most rewarding careers that an individual can have, but you never really realize it until you’re in the job. Given that skin is the largest organ of the human body, it makes sense that people care so much about it. When someone isn’t pleased with the appearance or feel of their skin, it’s inevitable that they feel self-conscious. As an esthetician, it’s extremely beneficial if you are compassionate. This career will have you crossing paths with individuals who are extremely Aerable when they come in for an appointment. Being compassionate is one of the best ways to show your clients you genuinely care and that they can trust you. 


While estheticians are the ones that will help individuals build their self-esteem, you can’t always feed positive words to your clients. Feeding an ego and working on self-esteem are two very different things and you need to recognize when the time and place for each of them is. For example, if a client comes in and is aware of a skin issue that they have, be honest with them and acknowledge it — don’t brush it under the table to avoid hurt feelings. Honesty, when paired with compassion, will never come out in a   or malicious way. To provide your clients with the very best experience, you need to make sure that your personality is one that always turns to honesty.

Good Listener

SImilar to a hairstylist, it’s not uncommon for patients to talk to their estheticians about more than the reason for the appointment. As we mentioned earlier, this can be a very vulnerable appointment for certain patients, so it’s not uncommon that people open up while at these appointments. If you are someone that wants to create a genuine and long-lasting relationship with your clients, then you definitely want to make sure that you’re a good listener. When your patients feel heard, they are so much more likely to let their guard down, which is extremely helpful for you. If you know that you’re not a great listener, then it’s entirely worth it to start working on this trait, because it’s going to be extremely beneficial in a career as an esthetician.

Attention to Detail

Every patient that you work with is going to be different, as will there skill. Because of that, there are going to be countless different treatments that you need to sift through to find the one that suits them best. This is something that you are going to have to do on a daily basis, which is exactly why attention to detail is a personality trait that leads estheticians to a successful career path. This is yet another trait that not everyone has, but it can be worked on. If you know that you’re not great at paying attention to certain details, create a system that helps you do so.


The last trait that we’re going to cover is an open mind. There are so many different ways that a career as an esthetician can go and every day is going to look different from the next, which is exactly why you want to make sure that you’re prepared for anything and everything that comes your way. By being open to all of the various things that could happen during your career, you can allow yourself to take advantage of the opportunities that you come across. 

Get Started at Estelle Skin Care & Spa Institute

If you feel as though your personality would thrive in a career as an esthetician, why not get started on your career? Estelle Skin Care & Spa Institute is proud to provide individuals in the Chicago and surrounding areas with the education that they need to obtain their licensing. Our staff is comprised of passionate and enthusiastic individuals whose experience and knowledge can help students thrive. Take a minute and browse the variety of pro9grams that we have available and enroll in the next round of classes today!

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